Saturday 22 February 2014

Leeda's dreamtime manipulation

Leeda's dreamtime manipulation

the gray aliens devised a plan many a thousand of earth years ago which entailed the severe and radical influence of dreamspace and time and the fabric there in. In order to be successful they instilled the help of the alpha draconian races and that of the alpha cantauri to co-devise a plan that would completely alter the fabric of Earth time dream space. This plan involved the capture of human children and adults during their sleep to effectively perform radical etheric surgery, psychic  and spiritual surgery on several portions of the different levels and layers of the human vessel so that they could penetrate the dream space of these humans to instill their own changes. This program was designed to drastically alter the ability of dreamspace to effect the static reality of earth. These humans have been taken from their sleep and travelled to a corner within the Orion star system where there are labs and centers for all these projects to be completed. This phenomenon on your planet is referred to as sleep paralysis when someone experiences a time in which they can not awaken however they feel as if they are awake and often times there is a sensation of severe pain associated with this event. The pain often times is felt in the abdominal region. This is due to the separation of the astral and emotional bodies from the physical body. Once the procedure is complete there is a an overlay installed over the original blueprint of the human which has many features and effectively allows these entities access to this humans dreamspace reality. They can activate this 'portal' and enter dreamspace to make their intended changes and install fake dreamtime scenarios if they so wish. This work has been an ongoing agenda with very little information within the conscious community about what has actually happened to these people
In terms of fixing and reversing the effects and what has occurred, we can offer a guideline for ways in which you can begin to undue what has been done. There are many layers and levels involved in this occurrence and therefore it will not be as easy as a single affirmation or meditation. These beings have invested thousands of years of advanced technolgy and tactics into this project and they have been very successful in altering the fabric of dreamspace. Our benevolent brothers and sisters from across the cosmos are actively working on the ongoing repairs to recreate a dreamspace free of the archonic influence and free from the changes that have been made by the grays and many others. We suggest all who feel they have had this done to them in any way to please be vigilant in your efforts to release the overlay . 

Your first and primary concern should be the manner in which you sleep. There is a portal that has been overlayed and its position is the immediate lower left portion of your back. This means that when you sleep you should not allow for this region to be exposed as this portal once activated is their doorway to your dreamspace. Many of you will relate to that and understand what i am referring to.The other plan of action that we advise at this time is to effectively remove all gadgets from near your space when you sleep. These technical gizmos that you all seem to be using these days have also a portal that can be activated that allow for beings to enter and to alter your dreamspace. it is not merely a matter of turning it off or placing it on airplane mode. These devices need to be removed and placed in a seperate part of the home. It is also wise to begin the use of salt in your baths and in your home to remove or nuetralize the effects of these entities in your lives. 
now! as for the elimination of the portals from your lower back..there can be a solution to this if you so wish, however you must be aware of who you are and you must be prepared to stand your ground when the time comes to defend your free will and your ability to create as YOU WISH AND NOT AS SOMEONE OUTSIDE OF YOURSELF SO WISHES. I will guide leeda through a series of outloud affirmations or commands that need to be made upon going to sleep that will effectively dismantle these portals from be ing activated. In order for these to work one needs to be in a state of pure love and absolute confidence that what you say is what IS TO BE and nothing more nothing less can be. You are the absolute creater of what is in your own cocreative will. you are in the seat of your throne at all times if you so wish then so it is. Our beloved conduit has her own protocols that she instates prior to any communication with me and she has evolved through the years to tailor these to her own liking so to speak however they are in place for security and protection from those who wish to influence or interfere. We suggest that these protocols be used for those who wish to begin this work. First you must invoke from within your sacred heart space and activate a sphere of pure universal white light to fully and completely surround and encompass you ;all levels, layers and aspects of yourself past present and future selves are to be fully and completely surrounded and encompassed in this true, authentic organic glowing pure white universal light. Then you must ground yourself deep into the core of gaia or earth mother. All levels layers and aspects of yourself past present and future are to be fully and completely grounded into the core of gaia. once you have established a force field of white light around yourself and then grounded yourself fully into the core of earth you are then ready to continue to progress with the work.
The work is a series of outloud commands which will be projected verbally in a confident manner to be heard by those who wish to thwart your efforts as well as those who wish to help you. let us begin...
I stand now in the power of my mighty I AM presence to make a claim for the sovereignty of my being and my soul and  all that which is composed within. I have been a subject of great manipulation and the time has come to put a stop to this kind of spiritual terrorism as I am a free and sovereign being, i am a cocreative being, i am a being which decides his own fate and his own destiny. Let this be heard far and wide to all corners of this universe, let this be heard now that i stand whole and complete within the confines of my soul and essence, i stand in full truth of who i am for there needs to be no other way. I command all beings who have instilled their will and influence over me to back down and return to their original space within the cosmos. They no longer are welcome here to inflict their will upon me. I stand true in my soul and true in my being . I need not have the permission of other beings to create this reality as i so wish. i chooose to create as i so wish NOW and so be it NOW.  the work which has been done to influence my dreamspace is now being corrupted and undone. The blueprints that have been manipulated and altered are now being resinstated to their original format. the overlays which have been installed are now being effectively uninstalled according to the laws of the universe in accordance with no interference based on free will sovereignty claims. i am now reclaiming what is rightfully mine. my power to create as i wish in dreamspace and beyond. i am my own god given cocreative fully integrated fully awake sacred being. i need not experience the fabrications that have been implemented and instilled over me throughout time. i need not experience the alterations that have been placed within my matrix. i command all fabrications and alterations to be effectively erased and replaced with their original sacred intent. I ask all the forces within the planes of existence to collaborate and create a team of light to actively begin to support the refabrication of these dreamspace realities. much work lies ahead but all will be done according to plan. these entities no longer serve a purpose for me and i command that they leave my space and my reality at once. they are no longer welcome here and i command the removal of these entities from my domain entirely and at once. be gone and be free from me. i know who you are and i know what has been done to me. no longer can you hide in your corners of seclusion wrapped in the security of your deception. you have been exposed for the tyrants in which you are and your days are now ending. the time for your recycling is nearly appraoching. your choice to be spared or be recycled is upon you. you know who you are and now you must face the consequences of your years of foul influence upon an entire planetary dreamtime and space manipulation. Let us make clear once again for all to hear far and wide, the portals that have been installed are now effectively disengaged and no longer can these portals be accessed as gateways to my dreamspace. no longer can these portals be used to alter my reality in any which way past present or future. i have chosen to reclaim my sovereign free will in this space of no time and i insist that all beings comply with this command in accordance with the laws of the universe. SO BE IT AND SO IT IS ,NOW.  

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